
Hello Simple Stories Friends.
Karlla here and I'm so happy to share this project with you.
The new "Remember" collection is incredibly beautiful and full of meaning. In every project I use photos of Pietro, I feel nostalgic. It's growing very fast. That emotional mom feeling LOL! I chose to use a photo we took at the end of the year and I loved the result.
For the background, I made an overlay with the "Always Remember and Little Details" papers. As a finish, I love to do this irregular machine sewing. Lifting the edges afterwards helps to give highlight and texture to this detail.
You know and I LOVE a layout with height and all these elements get me excited. As the main element of the project, I left the center to work. For the background I chose dark tones precisely to highlight the main part. With the "My Heart" paper I cut out a rectangle and glued it with foam tape. It was used as the basis for the photo and all the embellishments.
Underneath the photo, I used the beautiful photo roll rub-on. Matching the detail I did at the top of the layout. This Rub-on helped to create the whole arrangement of ornaments around the photo, As a title, the "Foam Sticker" was chosen.
Overlays of "Journal Bits & Pieces" are my favorite. I think they're so delicate. And what about these butterflies? I can't. They're amazing, and I soon did what I like the most when I see them... overlapping and stitching. This detail has my heart!
In "Big Bits & Pieces" I was enchanted as soon as I saw this roll of photographic film. I already knew it would have a special place in the layout. With many layers and embellishments, I was pleased with the result. With the help of a few layers of foam tape cut very thinly, I achieved the effect I wanted.
I was so happy to create this project. And I hope you can feel all this love that brings me. 
I can't wait to share my next project with you. A beautiful creative day for us. 
With Love,
Remember Collectors Essential Kit
Remember Bits & Pieces
Remember Floral Bits & Pieces
Remember Big Bits & Pieces
Remember Rub-ons
Remember Foam Stickers
Remember Decorative Brads
Remember Glossy Enamel Dots 

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