Hello again Simple Stories fans! It’s Teri here, and today I’m sharing some floral beauty with the absolutely stunning and elegant collection called Simple Vintage Indigo Garden.
Now all of the Simple Vintage collections are quite gorgeous, but I have to say that this collection quickly became one of my very favorites. The first thing that drew me in was the beautiful array of colors. They are delightful and completely perfect for Spring!
The amount of details in the artwork are so amazing…classic Simple Stories, and so beautiful. And if you adore butterflies, you will love this collection. I’d be so joyful staying forever in this garden!
And you will not have a problem creating enchanting projects with this collection! Organic and yet elegant, combined in such a way, it’s simply stunning!
With the cards that I created, I was able to take advantage of all the wonderful tools that Simple Stories makes. The washi tape, the collection stickers and foam stickers. A 6x8 Paper Pad, a Butterfly Stencil, the Journal Bits, and of course, the Bits and Pieces elements. And there is still so much more than just these! Simple Stories makes creating amazing projects so easy and so fun!
I am so happy that you stopped by today and I really hope that you enjoyed my cards! If you are looking for more inspiration, this Simple Stories collection is the perfect place to start. For tutorials, please stop by and visit my blog at https://mipapierfetiche.wixsite.com/website. Or visit me on Instagram at PapierFetiche! Until next time friends, remember, never stop creating!!