Better Days Are Ahead! by Jenn McMurtrey

Better Days Are Ahead! by Jenn McMurtrey

It can pretty much go without saying that this year has been a crazy one. As a teacher, I have been working from home for eight months (that includes the summer). Eight months! In the beginning, we all thought we’d be home for six weeks before returning to class . . . well, that clearly did not happen.  

From the onset of COVID, I have been diligently taking daily photos of our life in quarantine knowing I would record this historic event at some point. When Simple Stories’ Quarantined Collection was released, I knew it was time to get started.

Taking up where I left off in my 2020 SN@P! album, I have begun to record our daily happenings starting with the first Monday I was home from work.

It feels as if all I have done is bake and eat! That’s okay, though, because it has all been done with my family. Despite the terrible situation we have found ourselves in, I have made it a point to appreciate these moments with my husband and kids that I would not normally have.

Usually, when I am crafting, I spend a lot of time stitching, embellishing, and adding mixed media components to my projects. However, with this I am working with minimalistic frame of mind and simply getting my stories recorded. Taking this pressure off myself has helped me complete pages more quickly and made the process less stressful.

The photos are not always the greatest quality, but that is okay. This is a raw, emotional time and sometimes the pictures reflect just that.

I love that the papers and embellishments lend to a simplistic approach to telling my story, and everything is so cute!

Using pocket pages allows me to tuck more photos and journaling onto one page, which I love.

While this is just a small portion of my quarantine story, I intend to fully record each and every one of the photos I have so meticulously taken since last spring. It almost seems it should be a recipe album with all the food we cooked!

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I hope you’ve been inspired to document your quarantine experiences using the adorable Quarantined Collection!

Have a great day!

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