Beautiful & Amazing! by Christine Meyer

Beautiful & Amazing! by Christine Meyer

Have you had a chance to try out the Simple Pages Page Kits yet? While they make for a quick and easy two-page layout set, they also can work great as one-page layouts and that's what I want to show you today! Christine joining you with the Good Stuff Simple Pages Page Kits and how two of them look when you turn them into a single page layout!


Both of these pages are done with the exact supplies that come in the Simple Pages Kit and nothing else is necessary. I did move a few things around to work with my photos but that is it! You can see from this first photo how nicely this layout stands alone.
There are some really cute details in this collection that work fabulous for teen girls! My daughter loves the Pink Drink from a certain chain, so I thought it was fun that it was actually in a collection!
If you are bad at working journaling into your layouts, these kits will help! They always have some great spots worked in for journaling. I do have a video on my channel for this page and you can check out how quickly it comes together!
The second page worked just as nicely for a stand-alone page and plays up the always fun, grid design!
Having chipboard in the page kits makes it easy to build layers and dimension throughout. This ice cream is a perfect example of that!
This one I targeted for a lot of journaling and picked my pictures just for that. I knew I hadn't recently made a layout about my daughter's faves recently, so it was perfect for that!
Thanks for stopping by today!

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